With a career spanning over 30 years at the CFA, Mark has extensive experience in the fire and emergency services sector. After initially working in CFA's fire research unit on a range of projects including remote sensing and grassland curing, Mark led the introduction of Geographic Information System (GIS) technology to CFA in 1990 and developed it into a powerful decision support tool. Mark has used GIS to investigate many facets of fire service planning and as a real time decision support resource during many major bushfires.
Mark was awarded an Australia Day Honour, the Australian Fire Service Medal, in 1999 in recognition of his contribution to this critical field.
Mark was a founding member of the Victorian Emergency Services GIS User Group and chaired the Emergency Management Spatial Information Network of Australia (EMSINA) for four years. He was a witness at the Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission following the Black Saturday bushfires and gave extensive evidence on a wide range of spatial technology issues.
Mark joined Terramatrix as a Senior Analyst in 2016 and again in 2019, working across a range of projects including road fire management planning and developing fire management plans for Department of Defence bases.
Mark is a volunteer with CFA's District 8 HQ brigade and undertakes fire mapping to assist Incident Management Teams at major fires.
Mark's areas of expertise at Terramatrix include:
Mark was awarded an Australia Day Honour, the Australian Fire Service Medal, in 1999 in recognition of his contribution to this critical field.
Mark was a founding member of the Victorian Emergency Services GIS User Group and chaired the Emergency Management Spatial Information Network of Australia (EMSINA) for four years. He was a witness at the Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission following the Black Saturday bushfires and gave extensive evidence on a wide range of spatial technology issues.
Mark joined Terramatrix as a Senior Analyst in 2016 and again in 2019, working across a range of projects including road fire management planning and developing fire management plans for Department of Defence bases.
Mark is a volunteer with CFA's District 8 HQ brigade and undertakes fire mapping to assist Incident Management Teams at major fires.
Mark's areas of expertise at Terramatrix include:
- Project Management
- Spatial and statistical analysis
- Road fire management planning
- Solar and wind farm fire planning